If you change the trust bits of a root certificate or add or delete roots, that change will be will not be affected by upgrading to newer versions of the software. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you note which root certificate you modify, so that you can turn the trust bit back on if the change negatively impacts your browsing experience. Bypassing such errors can be a security risk unless you know what you are doing. If you turn off the websites trust bit of a commonly used root certificate, you may get an 'Your connection is not secure' error when you navigate to one or more popular websites. 7.3 Listing All Non-Default Root Certificate Settingsįollowing instructions on this page may negatively affect your security and/or your browsing experience.7.2 Restoring the Default Trust Bits for a Single Built-In Root Certificate.7.1 How Mozilla Products Respond to User Changes of Root Certificates.7 Deeply Geeky Certificate Database Information.6 Restoring the Default Trust Settings for a Single Root Certificate.